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Filed under: Trailers and Clips, Movie News, Cinematical

Sick of reading random 'Back to the Future' stories? Yeah, we didn't think so. As you know, a lot of folks have been busy celebrating the 25th anniversary of 'Back to the Future'. Yesterday we shared behind-the-scenes video from the new Blu-ray trilogy collection featuring never-before-seen footage of Eric Stoltz in the role of Marty McFly before it was given to Michael J. Fox five weeks into production. We also told you about a neat little auction where you can bid on Bttf props like the Nike sneakers and future jacket from 'Back to the Future II', as well as a pretty damn spankin' DeLorean. Today, though, we have yet another special treat in honor of an anniversary that's been 25 years in the making. So far Universal hasn't used this time as an opportunity to announce some

Lo que nunca vimos de 'Regreso al futuro' [Actualizado] Conjunto de varias historias que se desarrollan en el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Cada una de ellas está contenida en la anterior, y todas están enlazadas entre sí por pequeños detalles.

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